Silver Stars Spring Show Flower Orders
It's time to order flowers for your Silver Star, Star Dancer or Newbie! NEW THIS YEAR - all orders must be picked up by the PURCHASER either before the show, at intermission, or after the show. Flowers will only be delivered to the dressing room for Silver Stars.
The following is a list of those you might want to give flowers to:
* Big/Lil Sisters * Officers
* Legacies * Seniors
* Friends * Steering Committee
* Squad Members * Newbies
* Directors * Escorts
* Parents * Managers
Please fill out and return the entire order card with your order.
Remember to include the RECIPIENT'S FULL NAME on the card.
Each individual order must have its OWN CARD.
Small Bouquet (2 roses) $5.00 $7.00
Large Bouquet (5 roses) $12.00 $15.00
Each order will include the indicated number of flowers with filler. It will be wrapped in speed wrap (florist heavy clear plastic) with your note attached.
Deadline for pre-orders is Friday, April 12, 2019. Additional flowers may be purchased at each show while the supplies lasts.
Please put all orders in an envelope marked "SPRING SHOW FLOWERS" and turn into Ms. Bilnoski or Ms. Davis. If you have questions on how to turn in your pre-orders please contact Pat D'Angelo at pdangelo512@gmail.com. Please make checks payable to Silver Stars Booster Club